Is it all in your head?
Regardless of whether we perceive stress as positive or negative, it exists. And it's even demonstrable. Because it not only has an effect on our mind, but also on our body. And these are: measurable!
Measuring stress levels creates clarity
There are many reasons to take a closer look at your stress levels:
Do you feel extremely stressed and want clarity?
Not sure if your stress level is too high?
Do you believe that the topic of stress is completely overrated?
Are you lacking an objective assessment?
Do you doubt that stress has negative effects on you?
Are you curious and want to know more?
How can stress be measured?
There are various ways to measure stress levels in the body. You can find an overview of the two most common ones here:
Measurement of heart rate variability ECG measurement with corresponding analysis
Measurement of stress hormone levels (cortisol) Laboratory examination using a saliva test
My offer to you:
A professional heart rate variability measurement can be carried out directly in my office. The measurement itself only takes 5 minutes and provides an analysis of your current stress level in real time.
HRV measurement Nilas MV®
In my office, I measure your heart rate variability using a professional measuring device from Nilas MV® . Like blood pressure measurement, for example, this measurement is one of the recommended procedures for routine check-ups and is a simple and precise method of health analysis.
The HRV scan is painless, has no side effects and takes just 5 minutes. The HRV signal is conveniently recorded via two clamp electrodes on the wrists - without undressing.
The results are evaluated immediately. You receive information about the balance of your body tension and relaxation and what you can do for healthy regulation without having to wait.
HRV is the natural variation in the time between two heartbeats. It is an indicator of the human organism's ability to adapt the heart rate to physical and mental demands. A higher ability to adapt to stress is reflected in a greater variability of the heart rate
HRV describes the heart's ability to adapt and vary successive heartbeats appropriately depending on the load. A healthy heart therefore beats irregularly.
The more coordinated the heart can switch between tension and relaxation, the better organic processes run. For example, breathing, digestion, circulation and hormonal regulation.
Under chronic stress, HRV is restricted and therefore reduced due to the typically high level of permanent tension.
HRV measurement makes this visible and therefore allows specific conclusions to be drawn about the individual's health status.

300 heartbeats are used to analyze how variably the heart acts to absorb and optimally regulate stress.
In contrast to a pulse measurement method that only records a pulse wave, the Nilas MV® measuring module measures the real peak of the heartbeat (from R wave to R wave) as well as the time interval between them.
The HRV system Nilas MV® objectively depicts the stress situation of the organism and thus allows conclusions to be drawn about the physical and mental effects of stress.
Measuring stress levels means -
Create a basis for action
Create a basis for action
Engineers have a saying: what can be measured can also be optimized. This is precisely why HRV measurement is the perfect basis for all subsequent measures that we then define.