Personal- and Businesscoaching
- for a happy and fulfilled life.
Personal development and the associated discovery of one's own strengths and, above all, previously unused potential is a great challenge - and at the same time a great opportunity. Likewise, mastering conflicts, difficult situations, constant overwhelm or stress. As your coach, I am at your side and accompany you on your journey – as a source of inspiration, decision-making aid, sparring partner and motivator.
What exactly can I do for you? During the conversation we will find out what is really important in your life, what goals you have and how you can achieve them. Because in every person there are almost inexhaustible talents and abilities that make the path to a happy and self-determined life the contact form
Stress management
- helps in all areas of life

Extremely stressed? Exhausted? No time for yourself?
Balance comes when work, family and personal lifestyle are in harmony.
Power in everyday life and serenity at the same time - it's the right mix that makes for successful, happy, satisfied and balanced people. But many people fail to achieve this balancing act. Find out how everyone can succeed here:
Finding balance again, discovering and activating potential
Discover your strengths and potential and actively promote them! I will support you in this and show you how to put your newly developed behaviors into practice.
Implementation means getting out of your comfort zone! This requires courage, concentration, strength and practice. In joint sessions, we will reflect on your situation and develop and train appropriate solutions. I support you in this process by helping you to help yourself. In this way, you will develop a completely new sense of self-esteem and self-confidence and thus your personality.
Coaching also means helping you to make decisions. Conflicts or upcoming decisions are examined together, thoughts are reorganized and essentials are separated from non-essentials. And: as a coach, I am also at your side when you are facing major challenges - for example, in the event of illness or the loss of a loved one.

Business coaching – more success at work

Are you at a turning point in your professional life? There can be many reasons for this: lack of prospects, conflicts at work, lack of appreciation, a career stop or the need to reorientate due to job loss.
Often at this moment you don't have the courage or simply the overview to free yourself from this depressing situation. In joint sessions we create clarity, discover opportunities and develop various alternative courses of action. In this way, you will be able to deal better with challenges and conflicts at work in the future or make decisions about your professional future more easily.
And even if you are only at the beginning of your professional career, coaching can support you - with more self-confidence in your own strengths!
Coaching tailored to your needs
Every person is different. And everyone is in a different life situation - caused by a wide variety of circumstances - when they decide on coaching. Whatever the reason for this decision, I will develop individual coaching for you that is tailored to your needs and goals. For clarity and more balance in your life.
Coaching for personality development
Be authentic, develop more self-confidence, achieve your goals. Discover your strengths and potential!
Orientation coaching
Make important decisions carefully - and thus set the course for a fulfilled and happy life.
Life coaching
Help with dissatisfaction, lack of motivation, stress, excessive demands. Dissolve blockages and regain your ability to act!
Crisis coaching
Coping with difficult situations - for example after illness, separation or death.
Career coaching
Help with further development, reorientation or job loss
Coaching for managers and employees
Motivation, self-reflection, recognizing and leveraging potential