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Manage stress successfully

If you know your stress code, you can reprogram it

Permanently stressed? Not good. Negative stress should not be a permanent condition - and with the right methods, it can be easily managed.

If you know your stress triggers and how best to handle them, you will be more relaxed in the long term. Conscious and clever stress management is therefore a core skill for successfully coping with modern working life.

Finden wir doch gemeinsam heraus, was die Ursache für diese Daueranspannung ist – und programmieren wir anschließend Ihren persönlichen Stresscode einfach um! Heute ist der erste Tag für ein glücklicheres, gesünderes und gleichzeitig erfolgreicheres Leben.

More serenity, more clarity, more success

Stress management - how it works!

Stress management means that you

  • learn to identify and reprogram your personal stress code

  • become more stress-resistant

  • learn methods for acute stress management

  • learn methods for developing sustainable stress resilience

  • Effectively prevent stress

Change your individual stress code with stress management

Stress consists of two components: the stress trigger and the stress response. Both are the variables of your personal stress code. And both can be consciously changed.

As every person is unique, this also applies to their reaction to stressful situations. It is routine and therefore always follows a pattern that has been learned over the years. This behavioral strategy is shaped by our personal experiences.

This is exactly where my resource-oriented, sustainable stress management comes in:

Together we will identify your personal stress triggers and analyze your stress reaction. Once we understand the principle, we can achieve a lasting change in your thinking and actions. So that you can deal with stressful situations calmly and professionally in the future.

Would you like to know more about the stress code?

The pillars of my stress management concept

My stress management concept consists of four pillars, all of which have one goal:
To help you out of your personal stress trap!

  1. Identification of your individual stress code
  2. Providing an efficient methodology for reprogramming your individual stress code
  3. Learning effective stress management strategies
  4. Teaching methods for sustainable resilience development and effective stress prevention

In my work, I combine psychological and neuroscientific know-how. Combined with my personal experience from the corporate world and in the field of personal development, I offer a holistic approach to stress management that focuses on the individual. Practical, realistic, sustainable, efficient and successful.

Get to know me now

Curious to find out more? Register now for a non-binding preliminary talk. It only takes 30 minutes, which - if you decide in favour of coaching - can change your whole life! And if you prefer to clarify initial questions by phone or e-mail, simply contact me.